

A leading trading company specialized in medical supplies, equipment, raw materials, and machines. Having to deal and cooperate with more than 30 efficient factories in China, gives SAFE CAREMED accreditation license Class Il and class III, for exporting and importing medical equipment and supplies; all authorized by the Chinese government. Knowing how to be an effective aspect in the medical field, has been dependent on the focus of delivering the best quality to the company’s clients at very suitable prices. The company’s service makes a growing trust among the clients towards a total customer satisfaction of SAFE CAREMED products which guarantees a high return to choose and recommend SAFE CAREMED overtime .

Furthermore SAFE CARMED

has the ability to operate, manage, and execute manufacturing projects by modifying and assembling products from different certified factories and suppliers according to customer needs and requirements.
Noteworthy, working as the link between clients and different certified factories, has led SAFE CAREMED to create a strong leading and profound basis in the field of medical supplies and equipment that the company has officially registered and listed in the Chinese companies’ database. Along with offering the clients a unique range of services worldwide, the company’s office in Egypt has a fundamental role in making transactions, interviews, and document delivery. Notably, the company’s ultimate aim is centered around delivering beyond the expectations of SAFE CAREMED clients, proudly owing to having a highly committed team that is ready to serve and help you achieve your organization’s goals effectively and with great efficiency.

The healthcare market's

main concern nowadays has been headed towards ensuring excellent medical care through modern technologies with the least effort and time the medical team can give. Under this concept, SAFE CAREMED believes that every human deserves the best health care regardless of his \her capabilities; so making this mission possible is by facilitating access to new modern technologies – especially high-efficiency and cost-effective technologies – to achieve healthcare for every human. To this day, with easing to attain a comprehensive range of medical equipment and machinery to assist the company’s clients in their job of saving lives, the company’s signature has been proudly associated with such a heroic mission.
Being committed to providing world-class customer service and high-quality solutions, generates “innovative trading solutions” through assisting to attain devices, machines, products, and equipment that clients have trouble sourcing or getting elsewhere. Additionally, the company aims to build and maintain a team of motivated committed professionals with a high work ethic adopting for achieving SAFE CAREMED’s mission. To clarify, the company’s business provides its clients with competitive perfect advantages, such as easy dealing and importing when it comes to having their medical requirements and easing to provide such equipment in the medical market, making out of it the best client experience.

Evolving and positioning

the company as a leading, and progressive establishment with achieving an advanced and constant update in Professional Information Database through which provides health care doctor and professionals with all new information in medical technology to be applied in hospitals, medical centers and clinics Additionally.
SAFE CAREMED is committed to providing the utmost in excellence and efficacy, accompanied by Innovation, logistical, technological and personalized service 
all consequently leading SAFE CAREMED to be your preferred choice in the medical business.
Moreover, the sought after facilitating large medical institutions and importing companies communication with the suppliers of medical technology can be a hard mission, yet with the company’s persistence to guarantee the best service for its clients succeeds to make way for the improvement of the product quality till attaining the nearly impossible combination of Reasonable Price/High Quality.
Making belief in providing information and experiences that are of interest to the company’s service recipients in the region will lead to self-development to overcome daily difficulties.

Pursuing any business's goals

is dependent on various vital set assets of the business. Goals frequently manifest a company’s larger purpose, however, these goals are broad outcomes that the company wishes to accomplish. Trading solutions SAFE CAREMED’s main purposes, all together are concentrated in being the largest service provider of healthcare across the region, by supplying top medical to all its associates and recipients.
Given the fact that prioritizing delivering the clients a highly customized service based on their needs as well as meeting their needs, are what a business relies on. Not to mention that the methodical approach SAFE CAREMED undertakes throughout providing our clients with what is only found here of attaining the best service and deals in trading solutions for large medical institutions and medical importing factories.

Adding to the company's core value

is as critical as keeping its success. SAFE CAREMED is obliged to do this by acting socially and environmentally responsible toward its community. Further, SAFE CAREMED keeps its pace on maintaining and promoting the highest standard of integrity, ethics, and professional contact in all dealing.
Not to mention maintaining loyalty to the trustworthy team of SAFE CAREMED while pursuing objectives in ways that are consistent with the public Interest and that are highly beneficial to its clients.
Let’s demonstrate some of the company’s core values which pushes towards a constantly high level of success as follows:
– Integrity and ethics.
-Great trading solutions for its client.
– Employ dependable feedback as a guide to improve services.
– Responding to the client’s needs and qualitative value to services.
– Responsibility and accountability.
– Customers’ Satisfaction.
– Respect the clients’ time, energy, and resources.
-Trained and qualified staff at your service.
– Use logistics and technology as a tool for trading market improvement
  and adopting innovative trading solutions for service enhancement.
trading solutions for service enhancement.


SAFE CAREMED follows global standards of trading, paying fines and importing and exporting controls and provides:


 Professional actions are not only based on applicable laws and regulations, but they are also in line with internal requirements, which reflect the standards any business sets for itself and its corporate values. Therefore, SAFE CAREMED fully understands that providing services to its customers can’t be limited to the sales process only.
Hence, the company is determined to provide comprehensive and reliable services to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction and meet their requirements; aiming to help provide the best possible service to healthcare recipients in the region. SAFE CAREMED has placed importance not only on improvements within the company but also on its ability to make a measurable contribution to current social challenges.
Considering the above, the following represents the position of SAFE CAREMED in the medical field:
-SAFE CAREMED works on improving the healthcare field for all its recipients over the world.
-SAFE CAREMED conducts its business honorably and professionally.
-SAFE CAREMED adheres to the global standards in trading/paying duties and exporting/importing controls.
-SAFE CAREMED trusts in the principle of performance and throughput.
-SAFE CAREMED chooses its suppliers carefully and works together with them to implement its vision throughout the supply chain.
-SAFE CAREMED abides by ethics and integrity, through opening and transparency in business decisions and customer relationships.
 SAFE CAREMED provides fast reliable services such as training, installation, support, and supply.
-SAFE CAREMED delivers strong and innovative technical support that keeps pace with all technical updates
-SAFE CAREMED manages to always provide spare parts on-demand upon its customer’s needs thanks to the long-term cooperation with its suppliers.
-SAFE CAREMED Keeps up with medical research to monitor the efficacy and efficiency of products.
-SAFE CAREMED offers cost-saving service with exceptional deals for its clients.
-SAFE CAREMED Provides various costs for a wide range of products to purchase.
-SAFE CAREMED offers payment transfers for suppliers with a least-cost solution.
-SAFE CAREMED Finds its clients the best deals for purchasing and maintaining products.
-SAFE CAREMED facilitates dealing with the best medical equipment manufacturers in China.
-SAFE CARMED inspects goods in terms of quality and conformity inside the manufacturers 
factories to ensure the highest quality in the manufacturing process.
-SAFE CAREMED grants its clients an extra warranty policy over the suppliers’ warranty over their purchases.

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