VAV vs FCU system HVAC R engineering

Dry cooling coils (referred to as dry coils or dry cooling coils) are used to remove sensible heat in the room. Air handling units [AHU’s] can be supplied as a complete single unit or in modules [components] that can be shipped to the site. If the unit is supplied in modules, during installation they will be bolted together to create a larger single boxed unit. Join your peers on the Internet’s largest technical engineering professional community.It’s easy to join and it’s free. Wherei1 is the periodic interest rate with compounding frequency n1 andi2 is the periodic interest rate with compounding frequency n2.

Thus, the airside delta T is reduced and greater design airflows are required in the building spaces. This results in higher fan energy, increased fan noise and increased ceiling space requirements. Rooftop systems are similar to VAV systems in that they use a central ductwork system to distribute conditioned air into the building space. However, instead of one central unit, the system is comprised of multiple units which can be tasked for different conditioning requirements. Rooftop systems usually require additional structural re-enforcement, as well as cranes or other lifting equipment, to place the units.

  1. Alternatively a condensate pump may be employed where space for such gravity pipework is limited.
  2. This is a simplistic statement, and there is further reading on sensible heat ratios and the specific heat capacity of air, both of which have an effect on thermal performance.
  3. Thus, the airside delta T is reduced and greater design airflows are required in the building spaces.
  4. To keep cost down its best to limit the amount of VAV boxes used, as each box adds additional cost for material, labor, controls and electrical.
  5. Control in a particular zone is limited to what the system is currently set (i.e., cooling or heating).Rooftop installation costs are low to moderate, but operating costs are typically 50% higher than water-source heat pumps.
  6. Minimums are set by some code jurisdiction so that the minimum ventilation rate is always achieved.

Water-source and geothermal heat pump systems are the most energy, cost, and space efficient of any system in the industry. Mode #1 Is the Cooling Mode where the heating hot water control valve is closed and the VAV damper modulates from 30% to 100% open in order to satisfy the temperature sensor. Next is Mode #2 Dead Band Mode is when there is no need for cooling or heating, so the damper stays in its minimum position to meet the ventilation requirements of ASHRAE 62. And Mode #3 is the Heating Mode where the VAV box damper remains in the minimum position and the heating hot water valves modulates open to satisfy the heating requirements of the space. • Because the entering chilled water temperature must be several degrees above the space dew point, the DOAS terminal unit leaving air temperature is much higher compared to an FCU or VAV air terminal.

VAV terminal units must never be shut down to zero when the system is operating. Outside air requirements shall be maintained in accordance with the Multiple Spaces Method, Equation 6-1 of ASHRAE Standard 62 at all supply air flow conditions. The reason that these DC Fan Coil Units are, despite their apparent relative complexity, becoming more popular is their improved energy efficiency levels compared to their AC motor-driven counterparts of only a few years ago. A straight swap, AC to DC, will reduce electrical consumption by 50% but applying Demand and Occupancy dependent fan speed control can take the savings to as much as 80%.

To enable local control, a simple speed selector switch (Off-High-Medium-Low) is provided for the occupants of the room. This switch is often integrated into the room thermostat and can be manually set or automatically controlled by a digital room vav vs fcu thermostat. The air handling unit is designed, once installed and commissioned, to supply fully conditioned air [cooled or heated] to the multiple zones/spaces in the building allowing much larger loads [KW] to be managed than with the FCU.

Ventilation ASHRAE 62

Depending on the size of the floor plate, there maybe two Air Handlers per floor, or for smaller floors the Air Handler may feed more than one floor. The Air Handler can be located on the floor within a mechanical room or located on the roof. Noise output from FCUs, like any other form of air conditioning, depends on the design of the unit and the building materials surrounding it. OAC is a name called in Japan, which is used for air feeding into closed workshops, which is equivalent to fresh air treatment unit MAU or FAU.

The air handler will provide 55 F degree (13 Celsius) supply air to the VAV box. The Variable Air Volume VAV box will then determine how much air (CFM) to pass through to the space based on the demand of the space. The block load is basically the peak heating or cooling load of all the zones combined. It is not the total CFM of all the peaks of each zone, but the total based on the worst month, day and time of year where the total block is at its maximum load. The VAV box has a damper at its inlet moved by an actuator that is controlled by the controller that takes its command from a temperature sensor.

Commercial Air Conditioning Technology Used in the US Today

• A dedicated outdoor air unit is required and relied upon to provide building humidity control during the cooling season. The dedicated outdoor air unit must continually provide subcooled/low dew point ventilation air to the building spaces to maintain acceptable humidity levels and prevent condensation at the DOAS cooling coils. The use of Variable Air Volume (VAV) has been shown to save energy when combined with a supply fan VFD’s. As the demand in the spaces fluctuate the VAV box dampers open or close proportionately and the air handler fans respond through various control strategies.

Four-pipe systems also require twice the piping and twice the circulation equipment of a two-pipe system, which makes a four-pipe system one of the most expensive systems to install. For exterior zones and in certain cases interior zones there will be a reheat coil or an electric heater attached to the VAV box The reheat coil can be served by heating hot water, steam or electric. When in heating mode, the flow (CFM) through the box will be at a minimum setpoint to avoid wasting energy. Remember that the air handler is sending the VAV box 55 F degree (13 Celsius) supply air which was most likely cooled by chilled water from a chiller. The air handling unit with the fresh air function also performs heat and humidity treatment and filtering functions on the air including fresh air or return air.

• To prevent condensation at the DOAS terminals during morning start-up, humidity control during unoccupied building hours is required during the cooling season. VAV systems typically have a higher first cost than water-source heat pumps, and may have similar operating costs, resulting in overall increased life cycle costs. Fan coil units may be connected to piping networks using various topology designs, such as “direct return”, “reverse return”, or “series decoupled”. The output from an FCU can be established by looking at the temperature of the air entering the unit and the temperature of the air leaving the unit, coupled with the volume of air being moved through the unit. This is a simplistic statement, and there is further reading on sensible heat ratios and the specific heat capacity of air, both of which have an effect on thermal performance.

Function and Components of a VAV Box

AC & Heating Connect is the expert source for homeowners, contractors and facility managers seeking timely and accurate HVAC information that equips them to make informed decisions. They are quite versatile and inexpensive, having options to be installed in concealed in ceilings, exposed [out of ceiling], underfloor, or mounted vertically against a wall.

HVAC Technology Terms & Systems for Business

Control in a particular zone is limited to what the system is currently set (i.e., cooling or heating).Rooftop installation costs are low to moderate, but operating costs are typically 50% higher than water-source heat pumps. Additionally, the systems are exposed to the elements and are subject to damage and vandalism. These options provide a good opportunity to save energy by reducing the fan speed and possibly increasing the supply air temperature in small increments with continuous polling. The idea of zoning is to breakdown large areas of a building into smaller zones with similar load profiles. When a zone on the south facing portion of a building is calling for maximum cooling, the north facing zones may be in minimum cooling or heating mode. Zoning allows different spaces the ability to provide cooling or heating and vary the flow (CFM) depending on the demand of that zone’s temperature sensor.

A VAV air terminal is typically mounted in the ceiling plenum and regulates airflow to provide sensible cooling to the area served. Heating coils (hot water or electric) are included in VAV terminals which serve spaces requiring heat. A central variable air volume air handling unit is utilized to provide conditioned supply air — a mixture of outdoor ventilation air and recirculated space air — to the VAV air terminals. Dehumidification is accomplished via the central variable air volume air handling unit. A fan coil unit (FCU), also known as a Vertical Fan Coil-Unit (VFC), is a device consisting of a heat exchanger (coil) and a fan.

Pros and Cons of VAV and Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS)

The pressure sensor is set to maintain a constant pressure in the main supply duct which often causes excess static pressure to be provided when compared to option two below. When VAV boxes start closing their dampers because they need less cooling an increase in pressure will occur. When the static pressure in the supply duct increases due to the VAV boxes closing their inlet dampers the static pressure in the main supply air duct increases. In this article we’ll discuss the Variable Air Volume system and single duct VAV boxes with reheat coils. The Air Handler varies the amount of air flow (CFM) at the overall system level based on the demand required by the zone level VAV boxes, which vary air flow based on their local demand.

Zoning is how the Engineering divides up the building into separate VAV zones, with each zone getting its own VAV box. To keep cost down its best to limit the amount of VAV boxes used, as each box adds additional cost for material, labor, controls and electrical. All the zones on a floor of a high-rise maybe fed from the same air handler, but each zone can adjust its CFM according to their specific needs.

In some systems the supply air temperature could be increased to a temperature that is just cool enough to cool the most-demanding zone with its VAV box set to maximum flow, thereby saving additional energy. The 0-10 Volt signal voltage can be set via a simple potentiometer and left or the 0-10 Volt signal voltage can be delivered to the fan motors by the terminal controller on each of the Fan Coil Units. The former is very simple and cheap but the latter opens up the opportunity to continuously alter the fan speed depending on various external conditions/influences. These conditions/criteria could be the ‘real time’ demand for either heating or cooling, occupancy levels, window switches, time clocks or any number of other inputs from either the unit itself, the Building Management System or both.

During cooling mode, the Variable Air Volume VAV box will modulate between a minimum CFM setpoint and the calculated design maximum cooling CFM setpoint based on the zones peak cooling demand. • Because the entering chilled water temperature must be several degrees above the space dew point, the water side delta T is generally significantly lower than a fan coil unit or variable volume air handling unit delta T. This results in increased pumping energy for the DOAS terminal system when compared to a fan coil unit system or variable air volume system. The fan coil unit will contain a purpose designed drip tray with drain connection for this purpose. The simplest means to drain the condensate from multiple fan coil units will be by a network of pipework laid to falls to a suitable point.

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